Welcome to PooBahSpiel, the online voice and home of the creative mind of Mark Monlux, Illustrator Extraordinaire. Prepare yourself for an endless regaling of art directly from the hand of this stellar artist. And brace yourself against his mighty wind of pontification. Updates are kinda weekly and show daily sketches, current projects, and other really nifty stuff.
For the most part, I find watching old black-and-white horror movies a wonderful experience. In my search to discover forgotten buried treasure, I sometimes unearth something that was better off six feet under. Teenage Zombies was sheer torture to watch. Poor background, terrible scene blocking, makeshift sets, and bad acting I can handle, but add to the mix unnecessary, excruciatingly long footage during which absolutely nothing occurs was a nearly unbearable ordeal. Teenage Zombie might last only 71 minutes, but it will feel like an eternity. Run Away. Run!
This strip is dedicated to my good friend Lisa Shaftel who has several pet turtles. I myself had turtles as pets. They are a lot more fun than folk think. Really.
The Butterfly is a family-friendly movie that I can get behind. This is not one of those “nanny” films I complain about so often. There’s a many-layered story going on here, well written, keeping both the child viewer engaged and the adult viewer intrigued. The comfort of plot predictability is only vaguely in your mind, as there are enough gentle twists and turns to create doubt. Will this film follow a conventional story line? The only drawback about showing this to your kids is that it’s a French film and a possibility that your copy might not be dubbed, thus forcing your children to read subtitles. I say, “Start them while they’re young.”
My inspiration for this strip came when I saw Kevin Boze at Bumbershoot. He didn’t have a henna tattoo, but he was sporting a temporary tattoo next to his eye which totally freaked me out and left me speechless.
Today's guest cartoonist is Kevin Boze. One of Kevin's projects has been The Virgin Project, a compilation of cartoons done on the real life experiences of average people loosing their virginity.
Every year I go to Bumbershoot and draw the bands and events while I watch them. This year my wife got us gold passes and we stayed for the full event. I was very busy and now I'm very tired.
The only thing I did not get in this year was the drawing jam. I left a few doodles on there wall there.
Bumbershoot 2008, Drawn Live at the Event by Mark Monlux is a product of Monlux Illustration, “Home of the Creative Mind!”™
Mark Monlux is a freelance illustrator and cartoonist. The bulk of his work has been in the adverting and publishing world, his work in recent years has turned to various aspects of Graphic Facilitation; Ideation Illustration, Cartoon Reporter, Sketchnotes, and Whiteboard Animation. He co-founded The C.L.A.W. and is a member of the Graphic Artist Guild, the National Cartoonists Society, and Cartoonists Northwest. He lives in Fern Hill with his loving wife.
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