The date I went to see Stranger than Paradise was one of the, if not the worst, dating experiences of my life. The bleak, dark humor of the movie didn’t help the situation. If anything, the movie only amplified the confused and disjointed emotions I felt that evening. Going to a movie with happy friends and family can create a memorable experience that fills your heart with joy every time you think of that film. Unfortunately, a regrettable outing to the theater can also produce a strong negative association with a film. My take on Stranger than Paradise is heavily swayed by the sheer anguish I felt that evening. Never had I hoped so hard for a movie to carry me away somewhere else. Unfortunately for me, Stranger than Paradise’s theme was all about being stuck right where you were—forever. Oh, god. It felt like forever. The only way I could review this movie was by drawing just a small sliver of the pain of that miserable, horrible evening.
It was only after I was putting the final touches on this strip that I realized I already reviewed this movie back in 2005! Apparently the rating the movie received suffered with age. Also, I got the release date wrong last time.

It was only after I was putting the final touches on this strip that I realized I already reviewed this movie back in 2005! Apparently the rating the movie received suffered with age. Also, I got the release date wrong last time.