The other day I got an email from another cartoonist who lives here in Tacoma. He tracked me down via my MySpace page. The cartoonist name is Jared Music and he also does animation. His cartoon blog is called
Drawn with Flippers and his animation blog is
Jared Music’s Online Portfolio Anyway, I told him about a
Cartoonists Northwest meeting that was being held in Seattle. I’ve heard the speaker, Jeanette Smith of
J' , give a presentation before. She always has something new and interesting to tell me about licensing. I asked Jared if he would be interesting in going. He was, so we carpooled up together.
It’s a custom for folks to do cartoons, or bring one along, to enter into a contest called the not-so-bashfully The Best of the Northwest. I was so overwhelmed by the affection shown upon my arrival that I was inspired to draw this cartoon.

I did not win this time. If you want to know who did, then you will need to sign up for the Cartoonists Northwest newsletter Penstuff. It’s a good thing I went to the meeting. My dues lapsed and I was able to get caught up. At a mere $30 it’s one of the cheapest organizations you can join.