I’ve yet to write a review of 2009’s Sherlock Holmes. But I’ll tell you right now that I gave that one an eight and was tempted to give it a nine. Just like I’m giving this one a seven while tempted to give it an eight. Why am I wavering? Because I’m a Sherlock Holmes nut. I began reading Sherlock Holmes stories while I was in grade school, and I could name off all the cases by the time I was in junior high school. I’ve seen nearly all of the American and British Sherlock Holmes movies, including the ones that were produced during World War II. Sherlock and I go way back and I’m totally loving these new reboots. Sure, they cover a lot of ground too quickly, and they loosely grab only some elements from some of the cases, but their overall feel and gist is spot-on. But I have to warn you—what you’re hearing is the voice of the very young me. And back then, I thought a lot of things were cool, like bellbottoms and disco.