I almost forgot that September 19th is International Talk Like A Pirate Day. Many years ago, back before Disney made pirates popular, I made a New Year’s Resolution to say “Arg!” to any waiter or waitress who served me. The unexpected growl got a lot of happy surprised looks. It was my best-kept New Year’s Resolution. I got such joy from talking like a pirate that I think we all should do it for at least a day. Feel free to share this graphic with others. Arg!
"Happy surprised looks"?
Working Girl used to be a waitress and if someone had said "arg" to her she would have been horrified, nonplussed, annoyed, insulted, bemused, and/or scornful.
Of course that was before pirates became popular.
And it could be that your delivery was so excellent that people were instantly taken in by your charm!
The key is to be polite and cheerful, give your order, and then deliver the "Arg!". Of course, leaving a fat tip never hurt either.
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