Well, that came back to bite me in the ass.
My good friend, fellow cartoonist, and Chalk Art Champion Extrodinairé, James Stowe got a great idea. As a daily exercise throughout the spooky month of October he would combine two random things and create little monsters. He would draw both things, and then what they would combine into. And he would call these creations Stoweckies. His first Stoweckie, Vampire + Squid = Squidpire, set off a wave of suggestions. It also prompted me to send him in a submission.

James has his own idea of what a Robot and Zombie combination should look like. Check out and the other Stoweckies he's come up with at:
ART by STOWE: Stoweck... err... Monluckie #4? or #1... hmm...
The Return of Stickman is a product of Monlux Illustration, “Home of the Creative Mind!”™
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