The following comic I drew during this years 24 Hour Comic Challenge, wherein cartoonists and comic book artists, write, sketch, and ink a 24 page comic in 24 hours. I thought the theme of a Zombie Apocalypse, where the dead eat the living and the living fight back, was a suitable gore-dripping backdrop for discussing the otherwise dry topic of copyright. Enjoy.

DISCLAIMER: Mark Monlux’s advice is self-indulgent pontification which may or may not cover general principles of law in response to issues of concern to the illustration community. Nothing in these articles should be construed to be a substitute for advice of counsel regarding the specific facts and circumstances of an individual case. Laws and their interpretation differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction. Legal advice addressing a specific situation should be sought from an attorney duly licensed in the appropriate jurisdiction.
Hi Mark
Very funny Stuff!! Am a fan.
Absolutely brilliant! If you have any BRAINS file today!!
I was with you until the very end. Since you are a founding member of the CC of UU of CWU (I will have to look and see if we copyrighted that work), you have no view on anything at all. BTW, I think I have a better handle on this now.
Mark, I love your cartoons! Thank you! Just a little correction, though: while I've reported the whole Cooks Source debacle on my blog, my work hasn't been stolen (not by CS, anyway), and I wasn't the writer at the centre of the story: that was Monica Gaudio.
Thank you for linking to my blog with this. I've added a link to yours.
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