My editor John and I get into arguments over the use of the words “film” and “movie.” I want to use the word film very liberally. He wants me to use it very literally. Sometimes I have a hard time following his arguments or logic. When I do I create simple rules for myself, their sole function is not to follow understandable logic, but just keep me in John’s good graces. Thus, I only use the word ”film” if the viewing material involved is shorter than 90 minutes or could be considered art-housey. I’m going to call Rubber, the story of a rubber tire going on a rampage in the Southwest, a film. If all of this sounds slightly confusing, just roll with it.
The last panel worries me for some reason.
Fun fact: The hungarian word for movie is 'film'. Even cartoons are called 'rajzfilm' ("drawn movie"). When you're scolded again, just say you're using foregin words. :P
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