Welcome to PooBahSpiel, the online voice and home of the creative mind of Mark Monlux, Illustrator Extraordinaire. Prepare yourself for an endless regaling of art directly from the hand of this stellar artist. And brace yourself against his mighty wind of pontification. Updates are kinda weekly and show daily sketches, current projects, and other really nifty stuff.
This factoids for today's strip came out of a plumber's newsletter. The whole drinking from the tap to save the planet, that came from a commercial. The snarky attitude, that's all Stickman, Baby!
This year has actually been quite good to me. It certainly has been kinder to me than to several of my friends. Some of my friends lost their homes this year, others filed for bankruptcy, some had to do both. A few lost their spouse through separation, divorce and death. So this strip is not for me, it's for all of those who want desperately to put this year behind them.
I had a most excellent Christmas holiday. It involved a frozen pipe, a telephone repairman, and multiple trips to the comic book store. You know, same old, same old.
My friend Polly Law and I go back many year. We first met when she was the National President of the Graphic Artists Guild. At the Guild Conventions Polly and I (and a few others) would stay up into the night playing board games. Cartoonists, Graphic Artists, booze and board games make for an interesting late night experience. But Polly and I didn't drink because we needed all of our brain cells for Scrabble. Polly's love for words is something to see. I'm one of her supporters on this project, and I hope after taking a look at it you will be too. Check it out.
Oh, you just know those photos are going to haunt that detective for the rest of his life.
My good friend James Stowe is doing his own version of The Twelve Days of Christmas in a single panel cartoon he is updating each day on his blog, Art by Stowe. He has featured several of his friends and their comics. Go there to see The Return of Stickman, and a running commentary by The Comic Critic.
Another special call out to my homies Bill and Gene over at Unshelved. If you want to read far superior librarian humor than you have seen here, they be the place to go. The returned book will be going into a special exhibit at the library. I thought about doing another strip wondering what the name of that exhibit would be. But I think I will leave that to Bill and Gene if they want it.
Just how awful does your own bathroom have to be that you are drawn to using one in the house that you broke into? Well, I guess this character is going to have to be careful picking up the soap for the foreseeable future.
Who wouldn't want a Christmas wreath at the discounted price of $10? Especially if it is being sold at the courthouse? Granny should have removed the pricetags.
You might think it odd that somebody would want more than one totem pole, but I can relate. I've helped to carve a number of totem poles. My parents have one in their living room. Their rather tall living room. Someday, in the far distance future, I'm going to have to move that thing. Again.
The Holiday Season is not a jolly time for everyone. Some folks are a bit on edge. Maybe even somebody you live with. You better know what side your bread is buttered on.
I've already been asked why I didn't mention the fact of the suspect being an employee of a university, and the incident taking place on the campus of a rival university. My response is that you sometimes are provided with too much material.
I found this quirky law on the internet. Everybody knows that anything you read on the internet is true. And it not really a no guns for gimps law, merely an exemption to a requirement. Sheesh. Read the fine print people.
I have about three more strips on this topic I could draw up. Living in a state that borders Canada, and having crossed it countless times, I just can't fathom someone not being familiar with the concept that they will need to obeying the laws of that country, and that maybe they might want to get familiar with those laws.
Sure, the reporter could have wrote, "Thieves steal dozens of bras." but, "Thieves LIFT dozens of bras." does capture the attention just a bit more. And just so our minds are left completely in the gutter at the end of the story, they save the line about the surveillance recordings until the very end. Professional journalism at its best.
Mark Monlux is a freelance illustrator and cartoonist. The bulk of his work has been in the adverting and publishing world, his work in recent years has turned to various aspects of Graphic Facilitation; Ideation Illustration, Cartoon Reporter, Sketchnotes, and Whiteboard Animation. He co-founded The C.L.A.W. and is a member of the Graphic Artist Guild, the National Cartoonists Society, and Cartoonists Northwest. He lives in Fern Hill with his loving wife.
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