Is your career floundering? As a creative professional, do you find that you’re barely able to cover your bills from month to month or feel that you might have to leave the world of art because you need a “real job?” Then you’ll want to invest a few hours of your time to hear Mark Monlux tell you how to get paid what you are worth.
Mark Monlux is an award-winning illustrator and cartoonist. Featured by the Graphic Artists Guild, ...he is nationally known as an authority on copyright, contracts, and ethical business practices through his “Ask Mark” column. Attend this presentation and you’ll receive crucial survival tips, a strategy for planning your career, and the basic principles which any creative professional—writer, photographer, painter, illustrator, or cartoonist—needs to apply to build a solid career.
“How to Get Paid What You’re Worth”
This presentation by Mark Monlux, sponsored by
Tacoma Art Supply, is part of Tacoma’s Art at Work Month.
1 – 3 PM, Saturday, November 13, 2010
UW Tacoma Campus, Dougan Building, Room 160, 1721 S Jefferson, Tacoma, WA 98402 – In the cul-de-sac across the street from Tacoma Art Supply, 1552 Commerce Ave.
$10 at the door
$5 for Students with valid ID
$5 for CLAW members wearing their fezzes
Call Warren Caves at (253) 444-2341 to register via phone, or pay in person at Tacoma Art Supply, 1552 Commerce Ave, Suite 101, Tacoma, WA 98402