I decided to stop grabbing stories from the news as inspiration and visit back the cast of characters I've built up over the year. I thought I would start with stickman's family and reintroduce his evil brother Eddie and Uncle Eddie. Next week it's going to be all the folks at the office. That is if I get any strips drawn. I just landed a huge project with an incredibly nasty turn around schedule. I might not have time to breath.
This weekend I will be at the Rose City Comic Con in Portland, Oregon. There was a snaffu and they had me listed as cancelled. Which is why I'm not on the website or program. The staff is working to fix the problem and I will have a table - somewhere. I'm just glad I could give them a heads up and not have to deal with this at the door.
The next five weekends are going to be brutal events:
Rose City - Portland
QZ Con - Tacoma
24 Hour Comic Challenge - Tacoma
Geek Girl Con - Seattle
Bellingham Comic Con - Bellingha
Wish me luck. I will do my best to keep the comics flowing.